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Light is beautiful and mysterious just like God. It is one color but can be separated into many colors. Besides, light has many functions that make it a good symbol for Jesus. Light helps us to see things. Jesus gives us the truth about God and life, our origin, and our destiny. Light guides us as we travel. Jesus leads us safely through life to our heavenly home. Light promotes growth and life. Jesus brings us eternal life. Light brings warmth and comfort. Jesus welcomes us and gives us peace. Light dispels darkness. Jesus pierces the darkness of sin and death and overcomes them. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1:5. Beloved, we are currently in the Christmas season and the Good News is that the Christmas story is the story of God making His light shine into our darkness. This is the story of the Light of the World, who enters a dark world to give His people spiritual light. It is the story of light that overcomes the darkness.

Adam Hamilton said the following; I quote: "God seeks to influence humanity. This is at the heart of the Christmas story. It is the story of light coming into the darkness, of a Savior to show us the way, of light overcoming the darkness, of God's work to save the world."

John testifies that the Light shines into the darkness, and the darkness did not overwhelm it. This suggests that at that moment when all the powers of darkness, deliberate and desperate attacked the Light to extinguish it, but could not. Because the Light that came as the Person of Jesus Christ, finally and decisively triumphed over the darkness. Through His victory on the cross, the resurrection from the dead, and the empty tomb. The Light began to shine into the darkness of humanity's hearts, to change them through rebirth from the darkness to the Light.

When we talk about the Light, what do we think of it? Many people may think of the sun, others of a lamp or a flashlight. But when the Word of God refers to Light, it does not refer to the sun or a lamp or a flashlight. No, it refers to Jesus Christ as the Light that shone into the darkness, the Light that came into the world, that began to shine in the heart of man, the Light that extinguished the darkness.

What will we find, when we come to Jesus Christ as the Light? We will find 'The True Light'. "The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world." - John 1:9. When we come to Jesus Christ, we will find the True Light! Not something, but Someone the True Self. He is true because He is that One who was there and will be there forever! He is true because He is absolutely trustworthy. He is the One you can always trust, who does not preach lies, or make empty promises. Christ is the True Light that shines into the deepest depths of every man's life; his heart, his thoughts, and his deeds!

NOTHING can be hidden from Him! No thoughts, no deeds nor our hearts. Did you ever go for an MRI? Well; apparently it's not a very pleasant experience. What's so interesting is that the MRI can show almost everything to the specialist regarding the condition of your body, but it shows and tells him nothing of what's going on in your mind or what's going on in the depths of your soul and your conscience, doesn't it?

We go through it without anyone being able to know about our thoughts, desires, or what's in our hearts. But in Hebrews 4:13 God says, everything is open and bare before the eyes of Him with whom we are dealing! "And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." - Hebrews 4:13.

Why do we want to wait until that day when all our thoughts, desires, motives, and deeds are unpacked on God's table? What could be more frightening than that? When everything comes to light. Beloved, All that we do in the darkness that no one but us know about, will come to light on that day when we stand before God's throne before the True Light Jesus Christ. How scary will it be? You see, beloved, physical darkness has no choice but to make room for light. When the sun rises in the morning the darkness of the night has to flee before the rising sun. Martin Luther King, Jr said the following, I quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that…..”

Likewise, spiritual darkness has no choice but to make room for the Divine Light Jesus Christ, which has begun to shine in our hearts. But people in the darkness choose whether they want to accept the spiritual light, and the True Light, Jesus Christ or not. The problem is not, that the truth has not been revealed, or that it cannot be understood. Christ as the Light, shone into the world. The problem was that people chose not to accept Jesus Christ as the True Light. We have the choice today to choose Jesus Christ as the True Light.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as the True Light, the Light that shines into the darkness of our hearts? His light shining in our hearts makes us translucently honest, and also repentant. When the Light illuminates our hearts, we no longer want to live with sin in our lives, it's then when God also turns on His reflecting Light that gives life within us and we receive eternal life. We have a choice: to become a child of the Light now and shine together or not! "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God," - John 1:12.

The Word makes it very clear that all who believe in Jesus through faith are children of God. God offers us the opportunity for eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and new life in Jesus Christ as the True Light if we only will believe in Him and accept Him as the True Light that has come to save us. We have the choice to accept Jesus Christ today. While there is still time. Seek His face and accept Him as your Savior and Lord. I leave you with the following words.

One candle flame cannot be extinguished by all the darkness in the world. Nor can Jesus be overcome by evil. Let us celebrate Christmas knowing that Christ came into the world as the True Light to bring salvation to all men... Merry Christmas.

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