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Two men, two ways and two destinies

Since the beginning of the world after the fall of man, after man sinned against God. God gave man two options, to choose life or to...

All must face the Judge!

During a court trial, the parties are allowed to present their cases using approved legal procedures. If a jury is present, they are then...


Why would something die to live again, this doesn't make sense at all for us if you aren't a farmer. Well let me explain like this. For a...


Part 3 Previously we spoke about Freedom from Judgment - No Condemnation. That's for the believer who believe in Jesus Christ as their...


PART 2 Previously we spoke about Freedom from Judgment - No Condemnation. That's for the believer who believe in Jesus Christ as their...


PART ONE On January 6, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed Congress on the state of the war in Europe. Much of what he...


"27Whatever happens, keep living your lives based on the reality of the gospel of Christ. Then when I come to see you, or hear good...

Be Ready

How to know that we are safe for when our Lord arrives, How to know that we are doing what our Lord requires, Ask yourself if He were...


When my kids were still youngsters we used to play a game while driving to our holiday destination. We would look at the clouds what kind...

Niptø - Wash

When we think of the word wash, we usually refer to cleanse with water and usually with a cleaning agent (a soap). Wash your hands and...

Keep Your Eyes On The Anchor

When you think of an anchor, you usually picture the heavy object that's tied to a ship that keeps it secure to the bottom of the sea. An...


Yesterday morning when the clock-radio went off, the following song played "Destiny". It goes something like this; "I’m gonna be My...


Light is beautiful and mysterious just like God. It is one color but can be separated into many colors. Besides, light has many functions...

For Love's Sake

“Love does no wrong to a neighbor [it never hurts anyone]. Therefore [unselfish] love is the fulfillment of the Law.” - Romans 13:10 AMP....

In the Pasture

In our daily life when circumstances getting out of hand and you feel surrounded by fear, despair, doubt, feeling helpless, and all...

Endless Love

Love everyone needs love, its love that makes the world go round. But what is love? Is it just something you experience between couples,...

God of Hope.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy...

What is within my heart?

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” - Proverbs 4:23NLT. Whatever the heart loves, the ears will hear and...

God our Strength

Strength is part of our daily life, without strength we can do nothing. We need our strength throughout the day, at work, home, in...

God our Comforter

I don't know about you but on a cold winter night, I love to get under my comforter pulling it up over my face, the only thing that is...


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