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God our Strength

Strength is part of our daily life, without strength we can do nothing. We need our strength throughout the day, at work, home, in difficult circumstances even when we come down with a sickness. We need our physical strength. Sometimes our physical strength are drained and we don't feel like doing anything. It's just the same with our spiritual strength. We need our spiritual strength to carry us through times when things seems not to go our way. When it feels that God doesn't hear our prayers, feels if God is far away. But we as Christians, Children of God have a promise from Him.

Israel the chosen people of God were in captivity during the time of Isaiah, they needed physical and spiritual strength. For Israel, it felt if God didn't hear them, if He did forget about them and if He just didn't care about them and their circumstances. God sends the prophet Isaiah to them with words of comfort. “But those who wait for the LORD [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.”

Isaiah 40:31 AMP

These words of comfort are still for us today. Isaiah told the Israelites to wait upon the Lord, expect Him to change the circumstances they are in, look for His deliverance, hope in Him for giving them the strength they need physical and spiritual. The same for us today with this worldwide crisis that we are facing concerning the COVID 19 virus. We must wait upon the Lord with our hope in Him to bring thought deliverance from this crisis, for our future, and for the whole world. The Word of God says that God is our hope, hope for the glory that awaits us. And when we wait upon the Lord with expectation and hope He promises us that He will renew our strength, giving us the power and strength to get through this, He will restore us, lift us up so that we can soar on eagle wings far above the storm we are currently facing.

Like Paul said in Colossians 3: 1-2 " the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” If we focus on Christ where He is seated at the right hand of God, and set our minds on the things of heaven looking, hoping, trusting Him for deliverance, we will run this race that is set before us and we will not get weary, not physical or spiritually and we will definitely not grow tired, because God will strengthen us when we wait upon Him and making Him our stronghold. May you rise up on eagle wings and soar far above the current storm placing your hope in God. Amen.

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